
Friday Announcements

Good afternoon parents! It is the end of another fabulous week here at LPE! I have just a few quick reminders for you.  See below.  Have a wonderful weekend!  --MM

  1. REMINDER….Monday 3/20 is a normal school day but we will follow our MINIMUM DAY schedule 3/21-3/24 (Tues-Fri).
  2. April/May Events HERE.
  3. Each year, our staff, families, and 4th graders take part in the California Healthy School survey which gives our school valuable information about our school and our school culture. More info can be found HERE. Please take a moment to complete this year’s survey. We want to hear from you! Click HERE for the survey.
  4. Parents of 3rd and 4th Graders….we will be administering the CAASPP (SBAC) as usual this Spring.  The CAASPP is the annual Literacy and Math test given to all students in grades 3-8.  It is a computer-based test that adapts to each child’s learning ability. You will be receiving more information soon but in the meantime, please check out the CAASPP “Parent Resources” page HERE to learn more about this important test.
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