Friday Announcements
Good morning Loma Portal families! I hope you are all having a wonderful Friday so far. Today is an exciting one….in case you haven’t heard, our students have voted and we now have a name for our dolphin mascot - Welcome to Loma Portal BUBBLES! Bubbles was out and about during Run for Life this morning which is always a treat. Very exciting.See below for a few more updates. Have a great weekend LPE families! --MM
- Lost and Found – Our Lost and Found is overflowing! Next week, I will be putting as much of our lost clothing out near our Auditorium. Please come by to take a look and grab any of your child’s belongings. Whatever is leftover next Friday (4/22) will be donated. Also, it is a big help to us if you write your name on your child’s sweatshirts, water bottles, etc. If we see a name, we can easily return lost items to your child. Please do your best to write your child’s name on sweatshirts, water bottles and other items that are frequently left outside. Thank you!
- 2022-2023 new student registration for ALL grades (including UTK) opens on May 2nd. Click HERE for our Enrollment webpage. This is for NEW students only. Students who are currently enrolled at Loma Portal (or any other SDUSD school) are automatically enrolled for 2022-2023.
- Information on our new UTK program, including SDUSD UTK contact info, can be found HERE. This can also be found on our school website.
- Loma Portal’s Spring Open House and Art Show is scheduled for Thursday 5/12! This event will take place 5:30-7:00pm. During this event, students and families are invited to campus to see our students’ wonderful schoolwork, chat with teachers, stroll through our Art Show (presented by Art Reach), and join in some fun activities. Our Foundation will have snacks and drinks for sale also. It should be a lot of fun! Stay tuned for more information.
- Our annual “Day as a Dolphin” event is scheduled for Thursday 5/19 at (2:00-4:00pm). This event is for incoming 2022-2023 UTK and Kinder students (and their families) only and gives them an opportunity to come to campus, meet our amazing teachers, and take part in some fun activities. If you have an incoming 2022-2023 UTK or Kinder student, click HERE to sign up for Day as a Dolphin! **If you register your child for our UTK program (beginning May 2nd), you are welcome to attend this event, even if your child is placed on the waitlist.
- Save the Date! We will be welcoming families on campus again on Thursday June 2nd (5:30-7:00pm) for our annual Family Fitness Night! During this event, we invite you and your children to take part in some fun fitness-themed stations, see an amazing BMX show, and check out our various health-themed vendors’ tables. Stay tuned for more information.
- Click HERE for “Feeding San Diego’s” Hunger Action Hero contest. In partnership with the San Diego Comic Con, Feeding San Diego is challenging all K-12 students to create a superhero who helps end hunger. Winners could have their superhero displayed at this year’s Comic Con!