
Please go here to sign up and receive our weekly email Loma Lines -- Loma Portal Elementary School Updates:


Q: What is an eBlast?
Our Point Loma Cluster schools use email as an additional form of communication. eBlasts contain important dates, news on school events, and requests for help or volunteers. It's the easiest way to stay in touch with your student. Weekly electronic newsletters (e-blasts) aka "Loma Lines", are emailed home to Loma Portal families. The most current info and upcoming calendar events will be sent to your inbox. Be informed of what's going on at school.

Q: How do I sign up?
A: To sign up go to the link above. The eBlast tool allows parents to sign up to receive emails from one or more schools. You can receive cluster email as well.
You can also check boxes to receive the e-blasts from the Point Loma Cluster Council, Dana, Correia and Point Loma High. Start learning about your K-12 community schools and what happens on campus.

Q: I already signed up but my student has changed schools and I want to edit my account. Can I do this?
A:Yes! Parents with an existing account can follow the same directions to update their email address or school list. After entering your email address on the school webpage, you will be asked to confirm it. Once you complete this, an email with a special link will be sent to your account. Simply click on the link and you will be taken to a web page where you can edit your account information or delete the account.

Q: I don't have an email address. What should I do?
A: You need an email address to receive eBlasts. Sign up for a free email account from Google..

If you have news to be included in the next e-blast, send info to: [email protected]

E-blasts are sent out weekly, the deadline is Friday to be included for the following week's e-blast.

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