Principal Update Apr 22, 2021

Thursday Announcements

Good afternoon Loma Portal families!  It was another fun-filled week here at LPE!  Students were working hard, staying active, and (most importantly) SMILING!  So great to have many of them back.  Please see below for some important updates.  Have a wonderful “virtual” Friday and a great weekend!  --MM

  1. This week, we kicked off the American Heart Association’s “Kids Heart Challenge!”  Please click HERE for more information about the challenge, how to raise funds for the American Heart Association, and how to have a healthy heart!


  1. The Bookfair is coming to Loma Portal!  Click HERE  for more information.


  1. Please join me for my next Principal’s Coffee on 4/29 at 9am!  Topics will include a review of our Reopening Plan including time for us to reflect on strengths and areas that need to be fixed.  We would love to hear your feedback!

Topic: LPE Principal's Coffee

Meeting ID: 984 5343 6578

Password: Coffee


  1. Parking reminder….one of the issues we have been encountering since we reopened is cars being parked in front of our school (on Browning St.) during AM drop off and PM pick up times.  This area is clearly marked for PASSENGER LOADING only.  Parked vehicles makes it very difficult for other vehicles to pick up their children.  Please use this area for passenger loading only.  We THANK you!


  1. A health related note – we have received many questions about our school, district, and county’s policy on what happens when a student exhibits symptoms related to COVID 19.  If a child exhibits symptoms including:

Fever (100 degrees or higher), Chills, Fatigue, Sore throat, Headache, Cough/shortness of breath

Runny nose/congestion, Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, Muscle/body aches, Loss of taste or smell

                The student will be sent home and/or needs to remain at home until either:

  1. The child is COVID tested and a negative test result is submitted to our Health Office
  2. A period of 10 days since the first symptom appeared passes

If your child tests Positive for COVID-19; your child is required to isolate at home and will not be permitted to return to Loma Portal Elementary School until the following conditions are met:

1. 10 days have passed since the symptom onset or test date.

2. Fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.

3. Symptoms have improved

More information can be found HERE If you have further questions, please contact our School Nurse, Amy Elkind, at [email protected].

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