Okay, you've only got a year until you're expected to implement CCSS totally (2013-2014 is your trial year, 2014-2015 is full implementation!!).
How do I get started?
1. First, check the actual standards. What are you actually expected to teach?
2. Next, think about what you've BEEN teaching and how it compares to your new standards.
*Kindergarten Math Standards Comparison Chart
*1st Grade Math Standards Comparison Chart
*2nd Grade Math Standards Comparison Chart
*3rd Grade Math Standards Comparison Chart
*4th Grade Math Standards Comparison Chart
3. Now it's time to look at what the kids are learning in the grade before and the grade after. This is called the Math Progressions. That way, you'll know what skills the kids in the grade level before you will *supposedly* have when they come to you.
4. Okay, now you know about the standards, you have to ask yourself, "What do I *REALLY* need to teach?" Take a look at these: The Critical Areas of Focus help you narrow down what's really important to teach.
I like listening to Dr. Nicki talk about math. Here are a few videos where she talks specifically about the Critical Areas of Focus for each grade level. (Sorry, first grade! She didn't have one available for you!)
Critical Areas
Kindergarten critical areas
1st grade critical areas
2nd grade critical areas
3rd grade critical areas part 1 and part 2
4th grade critical areas
5. Planning time!! Start planning your unit. There are many resources out there, but my favorite are the Georgia Math Units. See your specific grade level page (see the tabs on the left for your grade level) to download the units.
6. You don't have to do the units as they are written. You are creating a hybrid of what you already do, and the CCSS activities. Just make sure you're promoting the Eight Mathematical Practices in your lessons (see the Eight Mathematical Practices tab on the left for further information).
7. That's about it. Go out there and teach it!!
8. Email me if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions!
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Thank you to 4th Grade Loma Portal teacher, Amy Kinseth, for creating this page of Teacher Common Core Materials. Please email her with questions or comments at [email protected].