What is close reading?
From Shanahan on Literacy:
Close reading requires a substantial emphasis on readers figuring out a high quality text. This "figuring out" is accomplished primarily by reading and discussing the text (as opposed to being told about the text by a teacher or being informed about it through some textbook commentary). Because challenging texts do not give up their meanings easily, it is essential that readers re-read such texts (not all texts are worth close reading). A first reading is about figuring out what a text says. It is purely an issue of reading comprehension. Thus, if someone is reading a story, he/should be able to retell the plot; if someone is reading a science chapter, he/she should be able to answer questions about the key ideas and details of the text.
Close Reading Videos
"Close Reading Strategies With Informational Text" from engageNY
"Omnivore's Dilemma" from Teaching Channel
Here's the Fisher and Frey YouTube channel with dozens of Close Reading videos.
April's Close Reading Handout
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page 9--HUGS!
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Articles about Close Reading
Closing in on Close Reading, Nancy Boyles, ASCD
Close Reading and the CCSS, Doug Fisher (yes, that Doug Fisher), CCSS Toolbox for ELA and Literacy
Close Reading in Elementary Schools, Doug Fisher
A Non-Freaked out Focused Approach to the Common Core-part 3-Close Reading by Dave Stuart, Jr. This is a piece from one of my favorite CCSS blogs, Teaching the Core. Dave is funny, informative, and real. He's a high school teacher so you'll have to adjust for your classroom, but he's got some great ideas. I sign up to receive his posts AND I liked it on Facebook.
Close Reading Websites
Close Reading Toolbox
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Thank you to 4th Grade Loma Portal teacher, Amy Kinseth, for creating this page of Teacher Common Core Materials. Please email her with questions or comments at [email protected].